Here you will learn about the latest changes and new features of our platform. We are constantly working on improving the functionality to make your user experience as convenient and efficient as possible
Platform updates
Syntelly Molecular Editor has been updated to a new version that provides a more user-friendly and functional interface for working with chemical structures.
Molecular Editor Update
The module of work with datasets is supplemented with the following features:
  • Dataset export to Excel format
  • Personalization of information about molecules according to the research objectives:
  • Adding personal experimental data to structures in personal datasets
  • Making custom notes to structure cards
These features provide more flexible data organization and integration of experimental results with theoretical predictions.
Expanding dataset functionality
The interface and functionality of the new connection generation module have been improved:
  • Informative hints to generation parameters have been added
  • The possibility of returning to the initial generation conditions has been realized
  • Improved controls for setting parameter weighting coefficients
  • Optimized user interface for more intuitive operation
Updates are aimed at improving the efficiency of molecule design with specified properties.
SynMap module improvements
Updated export options in all key modules of the system:
  • Improved PDF format of structure maps with all calculated parameters
  • Export of spectra prediction results
  • Saving synthesis prediction results in PNG format
These improvements make it easier to integrate the results into further research processes.
Advanced data export capabilities
A system for documenting all modifications made to datasets has been implemented:
  • Fixing the date and time of each action
  • Tracking the type of operation (addition, deletion, calculation, modification)
  • Accounting of the number of structures affected in the process of modifications
  • Restoring the sequence of actions in chronological order
The feature is particularly relevant for research teams where several researchers work with common datasets, ensuring transparency and reproducibility of research.
Logging changes in datasets
The product allows you to compare different properties of molecules, with up to 20 structures available for simultaneous comparison:
  • Possibility to select specific characteristics for comparison from the list of properties
  • Comparison by a set of parameters: physicochemical properties, toxicity, biological activity, etc.
  • Visualization of similarities and differences between compounds
This functionality increases the efficiency of analyzing series of compounds, as well as structure-function relationships.
Comparison of structures
  • AND/ILI/NE logical operators have been added to the scientific literature search engine, which significantly improves the accuracy of search queries:
  • Constructing complex search queries using multiple terms
  • Using the AND operator to search for documents containing all specified terms
  • Using OR to expand the range of results
  • Excluding irrelevant results using the «NOT» operator
Enhanced literature search
We implemented new functionality for searching the chemical reactions database containing 3 million records. The reaction database is in the process of continuous replenishment.
This tool allows you to:
  • Search reactions by structures of reactants or products using molecular editor or identifiers (SMILES, IUPAC, CAS number, InChI, trivial name)
  • Customize search parameters by reaction role and yield percentage
  • Obtain information on reaction conditions (temperature, pressure, catalyst, etc.) and view data on agents and solvents used
  • Find references to relevant scientific publications, etc.
The functionality is designed to optimize the synthesis planning process and search for alternative synthetic pathways.
Search by reactions
Updates in Syntelly: New features
Cintelli is starting to formulate a refinement plan for 2025. If you have any suggestions or comments on the platform, now is the time to share your thoughts. Email us at
  1. Quick structure transfer to other modules from the structure card has been implemented;
  2. Improved feedback form: added separate topics of appeals, as well as uploading files and images;
  3. Fixed rendering errors of structural formulas, and improved the quality and contrast of images;
  4. Split the synonyms block into “Titles” and “Database IDs” for easy search and browsing;
  5. SynMap module: added buttons to completely clear the map and stop generation, as well as the ability to view the generator settings after it is started.
Visual and logical refinements:
  1. Tabular analysis: You can now sort and filter structures within your own datasets by target property values before exporting;
  2. Datasets can be sorted by number of structures, by creation date and by name;
  3. The search bar has been integrated into the module: now it is possible to search both datasets and structures within each dataset;
  4. Added the ability to select an operator when loading a CSV file, which provides more accurate recognition of the structures loaded into personal datasets;
  5. My Company Datasets: it is now available within the platform for employees from the same organization to work on shared datasets (if you want to see a specific role policy in this vein - let us know);
  6. It is also now possible to create personal notes/comments on structures within personal datasets.
Improvements to the Datasets module:
The Syntelly platform can be used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries, in intellectual property protection, in education, science and regulatory activities. Version 2.2 contains a number of new features and additions to enhance the ability to search, process and analyze chemical data.
Syntelly has updated its eponymous platform for searching, processing and analyzing chemical information to version 2.2. The new version includes improvements to the Datasets module, SynMap and a number of changes in the product interface that simplify its use.
1. Literature search: 160 million literature sources as well as 15 million patents have been added to the Syntelly database. Previously searchable solely by structure, it is now also possible to find related scientific publications and patents, with combined and full-text search, sorting and filtering. Text queries can be entered in Russian and English. This greatly simplifies the process of finding the necessary information among many sources;
2. Search by Markush structures: allows to easily find and analyze complex chemical structures, which saves time and efforts of users. This function is especially relevant in patent search, when the user needs to search for a group of chemical compounds;
3. updated SynMap module: added optimization and additional parameters for generation of new compounds, the quality of the generated array became much higher;
4. updated module for automatic extraction of structural formulas from documents - PDF2SMILES 2.0: the accuracy of the neural network has been improved, now it is possible to recognize Markush structures on any documents, such as patents, scientific articles, test reports and dissertations. This simplifies and speeds up the process of collecting and analyzing data for research, developing new compounds, and writing literature reviews;
5. One of the new integrations is the model applicability indicator. For each prediction, it provides an assessment of its applicability to a specific molecule, which increases the reliability of profiling new compounds and enables informed strategic planning decisions for applications in organic synthesis, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry;
6. New thematic datasets: datasets on molecular targets and therapeutic indications have been added to the platform. The datasets compiled by the Syntelly team may be particularly useful for educational applications;
7. Improved usability of the platform: notifications of important events on the platform have been implemented. In addition, it is possible to customize the hint system. The interface has become more intuitive and navigation is smoother;
Version 2.1 contains a number of new features and additions to enhance the ability to search and predict chemical compounds:
Syntelly's platform can be applied in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and chemical industries, intellectual property protection, education and regulatory activities.
Syntelly has updated its eponymous platform for searching, processing and analyzing chemical information to version 2.1. The new version includes full-text literature search, Markush structures, improved modules for generating new compounds and automatic extraction of structural formulas from documents. In addition, a number of changes have been made to the product interface to simplify its use.
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